Thermaflo Engineering has for many years manufactured pressure powered or steam operated condensate return pumps for their Vacuflo, Zero Flash, and TH750 Steam Fired Water Heaters when condensate was to be lifted to an overhead return line or a backpressure situation. We are pleased to announce in the coming weeks we will introduce to the market our complete product line of stand alone pressure powered condensate pumps. Our pumps are very unique as compared to the products available today on the market in that they are ultra low profile, have high capacities and incorporate a “State of Manufacturing Art Single Spring 3 Million Cycle Short Shank Mechanisum”. Complete packaged systems in simplex, duplex, triplex, and quadraplex designs will be standards for this product handling capacities up to 100,000 lbs/hr. All of our pumps will incorporate the ASME Code Stamp and will be tested on Live Steam in our exclusive steam product testing facility in Charlotte, North Carolina.